PT. Brenntag Jawa Barat
PT. Brenntag
Alamat: Kawasan Industri Jababeka I, Jl.Jababeka IX-A Blok.P No.2H Desa.Wangunharja Kec.Cikarang Utara Kab.Bekasi
Kota: Jawa Barat
Kode Pos: 17530
Kontak Person: Supriyadi
Telepon: 021-8937947
Nomor Faks: 021-8937948
Deskripsi PT. Brenntag
About Us PT. BRENNTAG is one of the foreign capital companies of germany engaged in the chemical chemicals industry located in the industrial area of mm2100 & jababeka industrial area 1 cikarang-bekasi, west java. INDONESIA Brenntag, the global market leader in chemical distribution, covers all major markets with its extensive product and service portfolio. Headquartered in M